A smiling woman wearing a pink jean jacket



Tysons Corner Center Concierge: 1-888-2TYSONS

The Concierge (Guest Services) is located on level 2 next to The Plaza entrance (in front of Starbucks).



Click here to chat or text us at (703) 997-0950.


Mall amenities include:

  • Free WiFi Internet – Connect using the "Tysons_Corner_Guest" network
  • Valet parking for fee (located at Restaurant Court)
  • Ample car parking
  • Baby changing stations located in all restrooms
  • Luggage Storage (*subject to availability) Terms & Conditions apply – see Concierge Desk for details.

For your convenience, Tysons Corner Center offers shopping bag and luggage storage at the Concierge Desk.

  • $5.00 per rolling luggage (for example, a checked item on airline)
  • $3.00 per backpack or duffle bag
  • $2.00 per Tysons Corner Center retailer shopping bag

Valet Spa

  • Valet Spa Car Detailers is a premium hand car wash and detailing service 
  • Make a booking for Pressure washing, Alloy Wheel Clean, Interior Vacuum, Door Jams & Sills, Wipe Down Dashboard, Hand Wash
  • Hours Mon-Sat from 10am-7pm and Sunday from 11am-7pm

Online booking available: https://www.valetspa.com/bookings

If there are any special services you require, please call (877)-796-2221 and representatives will do our best to accommodate you.


The Tysons Corner Center Security and Management Offices are located on Level 3, in the Nordstrom Wing, and can be reached by telephone at (703) 893-9403.

Security precautions, services and and policies include:

  • Round-the-clock patrols of the property, including the shopping center, parking lots, garages and The Plaza
  • Escorts to your vehicle, upon request
  • "Call for Assistance" Boxes located throughout the property, in the parking garages, and on The Plaza
  • Medical emergency assistance, including CPR and AEDs located throughout the property
  • Assistance in searching for lost vehicles
  • Lost-and-Found service
  • Advanced video surveillance services

Remember to call  9-1-1 to "Stop a crime! Report a fire! Save a life!" 

Tysons Corner Center Premier Parking

Looking for the easiest parking experience at Tysons Corner Center? Try our new Premier Parking option and park in one of our 100 Premier spots conveniently located around the center! See the full list of locations below.

How does it work? Just scan the QR code on the associated Premier Parking sign, enter the requested information, pay the $10 flat daily rate (valid through 11:59PM), and go! The program accepts Apple Pay and credit cards, along with some great perks like exclusive retailer discounts and directions back to where you parked.

Not looking for Premier Parking experience on your visit? No worries: There are over 10,000 free parking spots available as well.

Premier Parking Spot Locations:

  • A Garage, Level 3
  • Blue Garage, Level 1 & 3
  • E Garage, Level 2
  • Surface Lot Outside Bloomingdale’s
  • Surface Lot Outside American Girl

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