Give a Gift, Get a Gift

Now through December 31, 2024   |  Concierge

young girl standing in snow

Give a Gift, Get a Gift. Tysons Corner Center is asking for donations to Make-A-Wish. Donate via QR code at our Concierge Desk and receive a festive children's gift. while supplies last.

Donations can be made by visiting the campaign donation page. 100% of donations will go to Make-A-Wish. Join us and together we help change lives today. (1) item per person.

About Make-A-Wish: Make-A-Wish invites wish kids into a world of possibilities — where the exciting anticipation of a wish-come-true helps them believe in better days ahead. A wish replaces fear with confidence, sadness with joy and anxiety with hope. Now more than ever, this hope is essential. Make-A-Wish is committed to ensuring that no child waits even one unnecessary day to experience the hope and joy that a wish brings.

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